The internet evokes the adage that somewhere deep inside everyone of us sleeps a book.

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Exploring an Unknown: I could be a fool, a dreamer, a charlatan; on the other hand, I might be a serious author. Whatever, please browse the random selections perchance something meets your interest. [This  page is on politics & social commentary.]          

copyright © 1990,2002 Richard R. Kennedy  All rights reserved. Revised: July 1, 2003 .


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Baseball Integrity

Politics in Educ







The Senate


Lucky Charm: 19th Century 

photo of my Grandmother


from Baseball Integrity:

No other sport comes close to the richness of baseball’s history, which is due in the main by the sanctity and 


nuances of its statistics.

 That is why it is so important not to treat the game lightly with insertions of anomalous seasons, however enjoyable and perhaps all too frequent. 

Ted Williams thought most pitchers were among the dumbest creatures. He left out the other half of the equation that some of the smartest creatures were hitters. One hundred strike-outs a season was a rarity among batters — even most power hitters 

[cont'd in last box]


Why leave it to the professionals?  You be the critic or browse simply for enjoyment. There should be something here for everyone. If not, at least humor an old man. I do hope you will take a   peek at Angel Queen on my my works


Explore the unknown as well as an unknown!

 Finally my published novel!

Whatever Happened to Punitive Action?

I blame IBM for giving the green light to Microsoft in the early ‘80s. It should have given the old CPM operating system [at the time far superior] the same license for true competition and ultimately a totally different scenario today. IBM also let cloning get out of hand and the manufacturers were intimidated by Microsoft to repudiate OS/2.

Apple too is to blame for its arrogance in keeping its system proprietary and pricing itself out of the market. As a consequence Gates is the only kid on the block and doesn’t really care about the consumer or he would not sell products that are bug-ridden.

As for Linux they are barely out of the primitive DOS box and will take another five years just to be competitive, while OS/2 or Warp gathers dust — not to mention Amigo. Breaking up Microsoft is only punitive to the extent of Gates’ ego. It won’t change anything. The ruling should have been a huge fine and strict policing of the MS heavy hand.

[cont'd from right column] choked up on a two-strike count. With few exceptions, were there bad

 ball whiffers; yet at the same time there were pitchers well-grounded in selective pitching. The brand of players in the good old days was different because their childhood was consumed by baseball, punchball, stickball and softball from March to October. Is there any wonder that today’s game is dominated by players from the Caribbean?


  Memorable Quote  
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