11 Blues
one can deny that in the ancient world religious beliefs were the threads of
unification among peoples ravaged by primeval clans and tribes totally lacking a
sense of justice. Yet there is clear evidence that most religions were formed by
transvaluing surrender to God’s Will as surrender to the will of the handful
of thugs and prophets claiming direct communication to heaven. Without this
subterfuge, nations of might could never have materialized, just as the primeval
clans needed the mystery of their witch doctors. The great Pharaohs — masters
of authoritarian illusion — ruled for thousands of years as gods on earth.
Hinduism institutionalized the caste system some 3500 years ago and still
thrives, despite Buddhism’s path of enlightenment which does not fit in well
within the mold of religion. Ironically King David and Muhammad have much in
common because each was engaged in nation building and secularism. Contrary to
Jewish and Islamic claims, their respective and ostensible prophets were
essentially warriors and womanizers. Both had harems and both were marauders
bent on the will to power. And, of course, both succeeded under the guise of
God’s will. The rationalization that these men were prophets preceding and
succeeding Jesus, a true man of peace and democratization, is ludicrous.
great threat to civilization today is not terrorism but the underlying
authoritarianism of Islam that refuses to move with the times, enslaving its
followers in the sink of antiquity and poverty, lest its hold on the minds of a
billion people dissolve by modernity and democracy. Terrorism itself is not
uniquely Islamic, except perhaps for its suicidal nature and the undeniable
abhorrence of reasoning in the Koran. One need only to look to the Mafia, the
Spanish Inquisition, the KKK, the IRA, the French Revolution, Stalin and Hitler,
our own Manifest Destiny to see that it is purely and simply to wreak havoc
indiscriminately. The rise of Islam is no less evil than the totalitarian,
uncompromising, imperial movements in history. Its aim to enslave the mind by
denying access to the egalitarian spirit of the world’s great literature and
failing to inculcate respect and tolerance toward successful nations is no less
threatening than Iraq, Nazism, Stalinism, or for that matter Christianity in the
dark ages.
in Israel is owed to the infusion of American and European immigration,
revitalizing Zionism and resulting in the displacement — similar to
America’s violent infringement of the native American — of almost a million
Palestinians — Jews and Arabs alike. The reason for this is that the post war
massive immigration had nothing in common with the Arab world. Claiming rights
to the holy land would be tantamount to the native Americans reclaiming
Manhattan. Jews for two thousand years were of a European mind-set; they had no
business returning with the intent of democratizing a medieval authoritarian
land. Is there any wonder that Islam is dead-set against this lone star state in
its midst? Nonetheless, this is no excuse for the killing of innocent civilians
on either side. The cast has been set now; both sides must learn to coexist.
Obviously, easier said than done. Even in this great nation of ours, the
diversity we praise is the essence of enduring conflict. In this light the
egalitarian spirit of Jesus is a "consummation devoutly to be wished."
known for centuries, and surfaced dramatically and tragically on September 11th
, is that religion is dangerous when it imposes its will on the political realm.
There has always been religious lag, resistance and conflict with respect to
modernity and democratization. Ironically, it was Christ who first introduced
the concept of separation — "Render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s." Of course, religion
can never be totally isolated from politics because of its innate shaping of
individual attitudes; nevertheless, explicit or implicit laws separating church
and state, hold the two in balance. Though I may view Islamic practices as
unrealistically primitive, I check myself in doing violence to the belief and
further tempered in the hope that eventually they will see the wisdom of the
West — life, after all, is worth living, and that all is
entitled to the plethora of potential goods in the world — or for that matter
its own philosophy, such as that of al-F~r~b§
who urged leaders to develop "good, not misguided or retarded societies
hope is, of course, pathetic in light of the Islamic nations that obstinately
deny organic growth of secular politics designed to free their subjects [ both
genders] to pursue the necessary rights and comforts natural to an evolving
modern world. Ascetic values are to be lauded if voluntarily espoused, but to
deny the general populace basic needs is criminal. Further, as in some
countries, to expect a woman to beg in the streets because she is a
woman, or for a girl not to be educated because she is a girl, is ludicrous, an
affront to their God. A nation that preaches to its young thou shalt kill all
who are not Muslim is arrant child abuse, and should give rise to world-wide
justice is done in retaliation for September 11th, the western
nations must engage in forcible diplomacy to rid Muslims of "yes,
but..." passive acceptance of terrorism and their hypocritical facade that
Islam is a tolerant, peaceful religion, which in practice it is not and in
theory never was. If within several years, these nations do not openly police
and terminate the most severe perversions of their professed belief, and in
conjunction liberate their women, it is time — Saddam Hussein, notwithstanding
— for modern nations to abandon its military and political sphere of influence
in the Mideast, including Israel, of which European descendants having nothing
in common with Arabs should resettle in Europe, the western hemisphere, or
Australia. They should partially — respecting the Palestinian Jews who remain
behind — dismantle all sacred sites but for Jerusalem and Bethlehem, brick by
brick and export them to a New Jerusalem, a kind of Louisiana Purchase in, say,
Canada. All quarters of Old Jerusalem should be under a multi-religious
commission guarded by the UN. If the suicidal pride of Israel persists — and
it probably will — then it is on its own, free to build a fortress or unleash
its awesome military prowess against all threatening countries. As for OPEC, it
needs the modern world, not the inverse — the flow of oil will continue.
Besides the time is ripe for a "Manhattan project" to develop
alternative fuels as well as homeland security for all countries.
is not to say that the West abandon altogether the oppressed under Islamic
tyrannies. Covert contacts with freedom loving families and organizations should
be forged in order to set up an "underground railroad" for them to
escape injustice. The more massive the exodus, the greater the pressure on Islam
to weed out religious elders from politics and work toward democracy. All of
NATO should be involved in this covert action in furthering human rights.
western diplomacy should also extend to ethnic and racial terrorism within their
own borders by legislating total tolerance toward their own ethnic mix, together
with facilitating separation of church and state in order to forge secular
governance of universal morals, guaranteeing religious freedom for the
constituents psyches outside the realm of politics. This is a difficult task,
for even in the United States, there are innumerable voting blocs that are
motivated by religious beliefs — some extreme. This is not to say that secular
democracies or enlightened monarchies are without generic morals, which always
dictate basic human rights for all. Religious freedom in a democracy, however,
is a right only to the extent that it endorses tolerance and these inalienable
human rights. However private a religion that does not infringe publicly on
natural rights, yet within abuses or denies the rights of their faithful, must
be reckoned with by the state. Jonestown is a case in point where the United
States failed to protect its constituents.
normal circumstances, the western nations would liberate the Muslims from
themselves, but because the democracies are sensitive about religious freedom,
they appease Islamic nations, which hide behind the heavy veil of their
religion, even though with few exceptions are ruthless dictatorships. The
coalition of ‘90 saved Kuwait, but it did not lift a finger to develop a
democracy there. Saudi-Arabia, despite its wealth, is still in the dark ages
when it so easily could be a magnificent, thriving democracy for all its people,
particularly women. Because the western nations had to remain true to the
conditions of the ‘90 coalition, it could not liberate the Iraqi people from
inhuman oppression. Had it done so and instituted a MacArthur plan as in Japan,
Iraq now would be a model that would eventuate in to unraveling the dictatorial
evil indigenous to most Islamic nations.
People's Challenge
is a surfeit of talking "heads" [amorphous], preposterous columnists
and arcane theorists evident in Rothkopf's "Capitalism's Challenge"
appearing in Sun-Sentinel’s 2/24 Outlook unable to grasp the
undercurrents of their thinking. How can American Capitalism share its wealth
with the world when it is unable to do so at home? Spreading wealth without
priority of values is not the same as fulfilling the needs of a nation.
Inflating the value of entrepreneurialism, sports and entertainment creates an
aristocracy let them eat cake threatening the common intelligence and worth of
the populous. The glorification of the software, home run and film kings, the
uncouth contortionist dancer, the crude diva of the navel, the mind-numbing
cacophonous instrumentalist, the inarticulate lyricist and designless composer
are products of sinister marketing, the game plan of which is to buttress
fanaticism and authoritarianism, lest the great unwashed become enlightened and
repulsed by the gladiators of amusement. A million dollars per TV episode to
each leading yet supporting actor is not only an affront to the millions in need
but sustains the necessary myth that this is a land of opportunity that
glamorizes greed. The outrageous gap between corporate executives and workers is
an acceptable practice precisely because of the conservative trend in a nation
that has long forgotten rules of law and fair play displaced blatantly by the
rules of the mythology of the rich and powerful.
problem is not as much the unwillingness of the United States to share its
wealth with other nations as it is for other nations to share their own wealth
and free their people from political and religious oppression in order to set
sail toward modernity and potential self-discovery. Had the Soviets followed the
Marxist guidelines in truly liberating labor for domestic enhancement, it could
have been a viable alternative. Had dictators like Castro, Hussein and Abdullah
relinquished power and greed they could have made strides toward enlightened
governance. Had King George III not been a nut case the United States would not
have been born.
for the domestic front, had not cold-hot wars, resistance to civil-rights, and
corporate influence, side-tracked the natural continuum of the New-Fair Deals
and the War on Poverty, this nation could have been the role model for
compassionate justice en route to a global golden age. For Rothkopf to lionize
Thatcher as the champion of a "nation of shareholders," is to play
right into the greedy hands of the economic determinism of politicians privatize
all but the military. Is it presumptuous to define citizenship as ownership of a
nation? Is not the vote a share? And are not the owners of a nation entitled to
fair shares? Are not all owners entitled to health care, a roof over their
heads, public education, a decent wage well above some arcane poverty line?
indeed, when it comes to the distribution of justice in our own country. MaYana,
indeed, when the next stadium is built for greedy owners, deterring a slum
clearing project. MaYana,
indeed, when the next $30 million to a film star nibbles away at Title I or
lunch programs. MaYana,
indeed, when the next corporate tax write-off keeps shut the starting gate for a
high speed railway system. MaYana,
indeed, when the next tax break for the rich increases child labor overseas and
shames employment here to retail such atrocities.
indeed, is exploitive capitalism, but even worse is the government that
encourages it, whether here or abroad. Hubristic, indeed, is exploitive
tyrannies, but even worse is the servile tolerance of those oppressed where is
the backbone, why do they not rise up against these thugs? Hubristic, indeed, is
the call to sacrifice when all it means is to go out and spend more.
"end of history" is not in seeking answers; rather, it is revitalizing
enlightenment of what the world already knows is right. It is not the next Marx
or Ayatollah we have to worry about but rather the planet's billions held in
ignorance and want by the few obsessed with domination, and pillage.
of the Mind
other night I was watching Shane head for the snow-covered mountain for
the nth time. I switched the channel and in an instant I was gazing on the
comely face of Alan Ladd's daughter-in-law. Often coincidences like this
happen—especially if one is a channel switcher. Another time I had just
switched off my VCR after watching a ravishing young Bette Davis in Jezebel;
the channel to which it was tuned came on with coming attractions of Whales
of August revealing a shriveled Miss Davis.
times while I'm listening to the radio or half listening to TV and
wistfully thinking of some distant war experience, miraculously the likes
of "Gung-ho" or "regiment of marines" will pop from
the speaker. Sometimes I'll be scratching out a line or two on a pad and
someone will walk in and utter the very word I was writing down. Last year
I answered a publisher's ad by sending an anecdote as a sample of my
writing about a marine on an LST in a convoy to Okinawa. As is the
frustration of all unpublished, self-proclaimed writers, there was no
specific reply to the work sent. Instead I received come-on brochures for
vanity publishing. In reading a brief bio-sketch on the publisher,
however, I discovered he was an LST commander during the battle of
Okinawa. It didn't help—I'm still unpublished—he wanted $11,000 to
market the novel! Still, all of us have had similar experiences of
kismet—sometimes profitably, I hear—and often wonder if there are
indeed little floating souls or nature's tricky micro-chips overloading
Locke's "association of ideas."
are, of course, the spooky associations that we encounter. Recently
revisiting me were childhood nightmares of my father's death, and then
lingered with me as I waited in the doctor's office for a physical
checkup. Or the time I was writing a relatively modest check to the
insurance company, feeling proud that my youngest child had escaped the
trials of my other kids, all of whom have paid horrendous premiums owing
to minor auto accidents—for which I nevertheless count my
blessings—only to have her walk in tearfully to announce that she had
been in a bumper scrape.
upshot of all this—and I kid you not—is that I have had for almost a
year now an enormous novel—my personal masterpiece—in my dust
collecting archives of unpublished junk. It is a period piece in which the
heroine finds herself in the Mideast during the middle ages. There is a
good deal of philosophizing— with a western civilization bias—about
life-styles there. Fortunately, unlike Rushdie's, Satanic Verses,
the criticism is distanced by time and fictional places, and clothed in
humor together with some serious, face-saving counter-arguments.
this is an illustration wherein a renowned but distraught
author—understandably in light of the contract on his life—could have
learned something from a hapless, unpublished hack. Alas, he was not tuned
into my micro-frequency which had warned me about dabbling indiscreetly
with religious beliefs. Then again, could it be that Locke was telling me
that it is a blessing that I remain unpublished?—in more ways than one.
Child Left Behind — Except 5900 in Broward County
Sun-Sentinel’s editorial of Feb 14 — some Valentine! — displays
indignation over Broward schools "socially" promoting more than five
thousand who failed the fourth grade FCAT in reading, which, however important,
should not overshadow competence in the other disciplines. It is possible, you
know, for a child to show fine skills in mathematics, science, citizenship,
history and geography, not to mention the arts and still lag a grade or two in
reading. As a matter of fact, a child who survives in the other disciplines in
spite of a reading problem is indicative of a colossal spirit deserving praise.
Teachers are aware of this and do every thing possible, together with deferral
to reading specialists and conferences with parents, to nurture the child
through difficult times with the expectation of fruition in later grades.
lump such a child likened to others with glaring learning disabilities and those
with horrendous home environments is an injustice and shows a desperate lack in
understanding the educational process. Moreover, disruption in the schools by
holding nearly six thousand children would be counterproductive in lieu of the
smoother transition of recognizing the problem by further remediation as the
child grows within the framework of commensurate peers who can also assist if
only in spirit. This prevailing environment of everybody is an educational
critic, as though the schools were run by idiots, serves no purpose other than
the creeping trend toward private schools and vouchers. Somehow if education
becomes private, the critics become silent because the problems that still and
forever exist in education will become invisible.
is time-honored practice to promote the "good kids" who show an honest
effort to improve their skills. Those who are incorrigibly uncooperative,
diverting the instructional-learning time, lack the love of learning, regardless
of test scores, should be in "big brother" alternative environments
— not charter schools — that stress the importance of civility and self
discovery even before the academic learning abilities are broached. The current
trend toward private schools is actually the inverse of alternative schools —
parents hope to remove their "good kids" from a disruptive
environment. Of course, there have always been private schools for essentially
sectarian motives, hardly the ideal for a democratic nation that through public
education attempts to develop a camaraderie and citizenship across the spectrum
of ethnicity.
also had an editorial a week or so ago that condemned a demonstration against
cutting funds for education because technically it was not the case. However, it
did not condemn Tallahassee for shamelessly funding A Plus and vouchers at the
expense of failing schools that need funds the most. Somehow this non-sequitur
has taken hold in the psyche of Florida — those in greater need is in
virtue of deliberate incompetence.![](images/law.gif)
"A New Middle East Plan" is a very old plan and at the same time a
very recent — as Segal himself concedes — Clinton plan whereupon Barak gave
the store away. It was summarily rejected not necessarily by the PLO, but most
definitely by Hamas and Islam. It is very old because had the Palestinians
accepted the UN solution — not to mention the British Mandate of 1922 — in
1948 and again in 1968: end of story. All through the Clinton administration
where was the support of the Arab nations to end this bogus tension? It is clear
to everyone but this academician that this eternal conflict is a handy diversion
for the rest of the dictatorships in the Mideast to perpetuate the unyielding
Islamic principle to keep at arms length the fear of modernity and democracy for
all of its faithful.The
League of Nations in its Balfour declaration incorporated recognition of the
Jews historical affiliation with Palestine, which was mandated to accept Jewish
immigration and to establish a "Jewish National Home." However, to the
exasperation of the British over the ever-increasing aggressiveness of the
Zionists and the undying paranoia of the Palestinians, violence has endured into
this century. Both the League of Nations was, and the United Nations are,
irrelevant precisely because of allowing warring factions the unearned right to
self-determination. The conditions that Segal lays out are old hat and, needless
to say irrelevant and naive. Until the UN exercises its inherent right to
oversight actually muscles martial law onto all territories and unconditionally
mandates a political solution fair to both parties without any ands ifs and
buts, the current scenario is hopeless. The main thrust should be that Israel is
levied reparations for its aggressive settlements, and the new state of
Palestine must not only recognize Israel but to embark on establishing a
democratic government totally cleansed of the terrorist wing of religious dogma
together with the formulation of public education and liberal teaching of the
Koran, bereft of hatred. Moreover, Jerusalem would become an international city
under the exclusive governance of the UN and a council of religious dignitaries.
major problem, omitted by Segal, lies with the Islamic religion as practiced
in that it refuses to take a back seat to politics. With every stitch of its
ancient robes, it dictates how believers are to live in the material world,
rather than to lend spiritual comfort and encourage determination to survive by
secular education — not hypnotically memorizing the Koran — and labor geared
to modern infrastructure. Islam is in the dark ages that Christianity itself had
to be wedged out of by Western enlightenment, to which ironically some of the
great medieval philosophers of Islam’s own heritage had in part contributed.
The British political and philosophic tradition weighed heavily on the Founding
Fathers to forge the separation of church and state. Freedom to worship does not
mean that it is brought dominantly into public domain — a lesson we ourselves
have yet to learn — for it is still essentially a private matter between God
and believer. Politics and humanity within the societal realm have their own
sanctity, and until the Mideast grasps the value of individual liberty and equal
justice for all, Segal’s high expectation of his UN approach will fall on deaf
Selected Essays
High Cost of State Revenue
gambling is the ultimate roll of the dice turning up snake eyes of addiction.
Currently nationwide there are some eight million compulsive gamblers disrupting
their lives and their loved ones. Recreational gambling is not unlike the risk
of dependence in illicit drug-use originally socially motivated. The nation has
enough problems without every greedy state opening its borders or rivers for the
sake of revenue and risking —particularly among the young— a national crisis
of compulsive gambling leading to crime and emotional disorders.
is ironic what with congress debating national health insurance—more financial
than ideological—there are countless millions who have money to throw away on
the lottery, bingo, the track and countless "games" at casinos. There
is no telling how much of a cost factor at the turn of the century in health
care that addictive gamblers will cost the nation in attempted suicides,
domestic abuse and pathological disease just as the rising costs of the
drug-user today—not to mention the costs in crime.
there are university studies that indicate that even among teenagers gambling is
spiraling and spinning off gamble-related crime in the range of stealing from
the family to debt default arrests. There is also evidence that pathological
gambling is on the rise among them. With the fascination youngsters have with
electronic games it does not require a soothsayer to see the easy transition to
the bright lights of a casino's slot machines.
rights is out of control. The guise of "recreation" is pure Madison
Avenue stuff in light of gambling's dire implications. Besides, is there no
limit to entertainment and recreation in this country? Are there no serious
problems in the world? State governments argue that they put people to work and
help educate the young. To play on Peter's weakness to pay Paul is not the best
way to raise revenue, especially when no one knows what the ultimate cost factor
will be down the road. Besides, when is there ever a reduction of school tax as
a result of the lottery or gambling casino? Who's kidding whom? Granted on the
surface the lottery seems harmless, but no one knows yet just how addictive it
is. That there are many willing to gamble as much as thousands of dollars when
the lottery hits the $50 million plus range is foreboding. They would ransom
their mothers for chips at a casino in Fort Lauderdale.
Right Thing?—The Only Thing
It was the
moral thing to do to go into Somalia; but for a strategic foul up both in the
field and by the Washington brass, it would have been the right thing to do to
get rid of the country's thugs. It was an economy thing to do to go into Kuwait,
strategically wrong not to crush Hussein's crack division—and morally wrong
not to diplomatically impose a democracy in Kuwait. In behalf of the struggling
Latin-American democracies—and Florida—it was the right thing to do to enter
Haiti, politically neglectful not to reconstruct its economy.
relations-wise there is no argument against implementing peace in Bosnia to
avoid a repetition of Neville Chamberlain's weakness out of the 1938 Munich
Conference, along with the resurrection of dangerous isolationism and
appeasement, sending a signal to the fledgling democracies once under communist
rule that chaotic blood-shed is permissible, inviting the return of the cold
war. That the American people are against it is of no consequence when the rest
of the world is at stake. Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the dozen other
nations involved in the enforcement did not ask for their citizens' approval
either. In international affairs, American blood is no more valuable than that
of the allies. That the cry "Is Bosnia worth dying for?" Is an affront
to the many UN peace-keepers who died there. It is a desecration of the graves
in Normandy that symbolizes the belated but decisive action that Europe was
worth dying for years after the cry "Is Poland worth dying for?"
Vietnam was not worth dying for—only because we “lost”—is not an affront
to the brave who lost their lives there. They too carried out, which at the time
was thought to be the right thing. The tragic flaw in that war was driven by
cold war mentality and that it was carried out unilaterally on the premise that
South Vietnam's corruption was less than that of the North. At least in the
Korean War we gained UN approval and accomplished the goal, though that too is
questionable given the history of South Korea's political corruption.
Nevertheless, there is the saving grace in both these wars that the communists
finally got around to the idea that the United States was indeed a force to be
reckoned with and they too began to question whether their ideology was worth
dying for.
Why is
Bosnia different—why worth dying for? It is to prove the Tito legacy of a
monolithic society of coercion is wrong. That is, diversity is an asset and that
co-existence is essential, however difficult the struggle to which our own
nation gives testimony. That the Bosnians have, however reluctantly, agreed to a
cease fire is sufficient evidence that they have learned the lesson that
diversity is a fact of life—just as the Middle East is making strides to
acknowledge—and that "ethnic cleansing" is an unacceptable atrocity
in a “new world order.”
is American negativism concerning our standing army's rôle of "policeman
of the world," in face of frustrating domestic problems. Preferred would be
a truly international powerhouse consisting of all democracies with joint chiefs
of staff of the major nations, implementing peace through-out the world. At the
moment NATO is the only alternative, since the UN peace-keeping force is too
ad-hoc and badly equipped to deal with global thuggery. Understandable is
American skepticism when in face of national thuggery running rampant. Even
Clinton's "putting more police on the street" is not going to solve
the problem because the nation cannot afford the pay-scale of an effective
police force, particularly when it has no Eliot Ness-will to end the domestic
wars. What is needed is a domestic army to lay waste the narcotic and violent
criminal underworld, along with a national will to supplant it with economic
armament to fight poverty and reconstruct the inner cities whose violent
psychology has spread to all locales. Lest is heard the public cry "police
state," it is imperative to train the armed forces or national guard in
nation-building on the home-front in consultation with local officials to avoid
Kent State quick-on-the-trigger skirmishes; and for that matter, it would not be
the army's business to intercept peaceful protests and harmless cults not
of the Waco kind.
Crooks are
no different from dictators: they only respect overwhelming force. So too, if
there is indeed to be a new world order obviating brush and global wars, there
has to be gnashing at the throats of the world's troublemakers, the canines of
the dogs of war, growling at peace. Otherwise self-styled Munichs will spread until the
globe rages with fireballs—which in the end, as we continue to acquiesce, will
flare up the unspeakable mushroom.
of Sorts
(note to a student)
Before engaging in the polemics of eugenics and DNA you ought
to read Plato's Republic. The eugenics chapter will prove enlightening
and fascinating. Even though he suggests as you do that someone has to pick up
the garbage, Plato goes further by suggesting that eugenics be limited to the
candidates for governance, rather than to leave it to the accident of Darwin's
natural selection.
I must caution you not to take reading material too literally
in your tendency to let your intellectual enthusiasm and drive carry you to
impulsive conclusions from filtered, secondhand sources. Commentary is fine as a
stimulant, but intellectual integrity requires one to go to the source. I urge
you also to read Huxley's Brave New World to gain further insight into
this subject. True, neither one of these sources is very scientific—perhaps a
blessing since you are not science oriented.
Your natural intuition is correct concerning this article: it
is dangerous to romanticize about the potential of DNA, whether well-intentioned
or Nazis motivated because of the moral complexity of decision-making in this
field. Nevertheless, it is presumptuous to label manual labor
disadvantaged—many do whistle while they work and plumbers make house-calls in
their Mercedes-Benz.
Security Solvency: Meaningless Term
the beginning when the retirement rôles were manageable, it made sense to
mandate insurance through a payroll tax. However, just as the insurance
companies are justifying horrendous premium increases owing to hurricane Andrew,
the government can no longer handle the rapid rise of retirees without
escalating regressive taxing on young workers. Continuing to support social
security requires spreading the cost around as in an insurance pool.
security funds should immediately be transferred to the national budget, thereby
closing out the retirement account forever. In lieu of so-called insurance for
the agéd, there should be a constitutional amendment guaranteeing protection
for retirement age, the disabled, and children of impoverished widows. In lieu
of current FICA withholding tax, the lost revenue should be reflected in a new
tax package, which would include a 3% national sales tax to insure at least
minimal contribution by everybody─even off the book chiselers would have
to pay something even though they would not qualify for coverage. An additional
1% sales tax would be initiated also to cover the Medicare withholding. The
employer contribution would be eliminated as this would serve in part as an
incentive to shrink the off-the-book underworld and more importantly drive down
prices of goods and services to soften the blow of a national sales tax. The
departure from the current eligibility makeup would kick in 2011 when the baby
boomers arrive at their senior years.
of the social security system forget that it was designed primarily to help the
poor in old age. Over time lifestyles have changed and the ostensible poverty
line has been somewhat escalated. Rightly the agéd should retire in dignity. At
retirement age, those who cannot report a gross income in today's dollars of
$30,000 should be subsidized to arrive at that figure. Anyone who has in
retirement more than this should not be entitled to social security supplement,
but definitely, regardless of income should be entitled to free health service
and one half the tax rate in return for years of contributing to the government
is fashionable to talk of tax cuts today while in the real economic world there
is need of a tax increase for those who well above the poverty line would not
feel the crunch. From the thirties on through the seventies the wealthy did well
without the help of Congress tampering with the progressive tax rate. Why should
the money people─particularly since the eighties─get this
unconscionable windfall which was directly responsible for the prodigious
national debt? It is long overdue to set the optimal marginal rate to at least
70%. It is only at a high marginal level that the government can afford to yield
to generous capital gains and other investment lures─particularly IRA. On
the lower end, the rate should be dropped to 10% for those under $25,000 taxable
income. and gradual increments thereafter.
important revenue enhancement is to return to the sanity of decent wages. A good
start would be to raise the minimum wage. For too long there has been loss of
revenue because low and middle wages have been stagnant and therefore the taxes
on the vast majority have been stagnant. This is just another example of the
rich getting richer while denying millions the American dream, let alone
stagnant revenues for the social security system. Those who argue that in a
global economy, wages must be kept in check is tantamount to arguing that the
communists of old demanded equality in achieving nothing. This is the main cause
of generational welfare in that the economy does not embrace the consequences of
poverty blighting the dream of opportunity and ambition, costing far more in
education, crime and punishment; above all in the deterioration of the family
is time to end looking at social security as some actuarial miracle to cover all
substantially. If the current scheme is allowed to go into the next century it
will eventuate an intolerable mood wherein the young will resent the
old─wishing them dead.